Tuesday 2024/04/30

Tuesday 2024/04/30

Encuesta de Satisfacción

La Unidad de Evaluación y Mejora de la Calidad, desde el 15 de abril de 2024, ha procedido a la activación de las encuestas de satisfacción del alumnado para valorar la docencia impartida por el profesorado de la ULL durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2023-2024.

El enlace a la encuesta estará accesible hasta el 8 de mayo de 2024. Les animo a cumplimentarla.

Véanse las notas para rellenar la encuesta del alumnado.

Yet Another Survey: Cuestionario de Experiencia de Usuario de GitHub GoRace

Yet Another Survey: Cuestionario sobre uso del ChatBot de Guías Docentes ULL

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Exam training.

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Exam training. The regular expression language.

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Exam training. The regular expression language. (from the 4th min to 6th min)

Exam training. JSOn Parser. PEG.js. 2022/05/09

Exam example: parsing JSON and translating Egg ASTs to term notation (See file old-exam-sample.pdf). Extending the Egg Interpreter: Hashes, Objects

Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) (opens in a new tab). Introducción Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) (opens in a new tab). PEG.js (opens in a new tab)

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Extending Egg: evaluate for the Property Class, Negative Indices, Monkey Patching, Currying, Intro to leftEvaluate


Extending the Egg Interpreter: fromList2AST, buildXXX, set and leftEvaluate


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Miércoles 2022/05/11

Miércoles 2022/05/11. Extending Egg: For loops. TFA: Async Programming in Egg. Translation from Egg to JS (44:30)

Lunes 2022/05/16

Scope Analysis. Translating Value, Words, operators and print. TFA. TFA assesment. Poll

Martes 2022/05/17

Translating reserved words: do, def, fun

Miércoles 2022/05/18

Translating reserved words: fun, set, while

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Tuesday 2021/05/10

Extended Egg Interpreter.

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Monday 2020/05/11

Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) (opens in a new tab). Introducción Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) (opens in a new tab). PEG.js (opens in a new tab)

Monday 16/05/2020

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Tuesday 17/05/2020

Egg to JS translator

Wednesday 18/05/2020

Egg to JS translator

Monday 23/05/2020

Egg to JS translator