Parsing with Nearley.js
Introduction to Nearley.js
This section describes the nearley grammar language, in which you can describe
grammars for nearley to parse. Grammars are conventionally kept in .ne
You can then use nearleyc
to compile your .ne
grammars to JavaScript
You can find many examples of nearley grammars online, as well as some in the
directory of the
Github repository (opens in a new tab).
A terminal is a single, constant string or a token. For example, the keyword
is a terminal. -
A nonterminal describes a set of possible strings. For example, all "if" statements can be described by a single nonterminal whose value depends on the condition and body of the if statement.
A rule (or production rule) is a definition of a nonterminal. For example,
ifStatement -> "if" condition "then" statement "endif"
is the rule according to which the if statement nonterminal,
, is parsed. It depends on the nonterminalscondition
. A nonterminal can be described by multiple rules. For example, we can add a second ruleifStatement -> "if" condition "then" statement "else" statement "endif"
to support "else" clauses.
By default, nearley attempts to parse the first nonterminal defined in the
grammar. In the following grammar, nearley will try to parse input text as an
expression -> number "+" number
expression -> number "-" number
expression -> number "*" number
expression -> number "/" number
number -> [0-9]:+
You can use the pipe character |
to separate alternative rules for a
nonterminal. In the example below, expression
has four different rules.
expression ->
number "+" number
| number "-" number
| number "*" number
| number "/" number
Empty String
The keyword null
stands for the epsilon rule , which matches nothing. The
following nonterminal matches zero or more cow
s in a row, such as
a -> null | a "cow"
By default, nearley wraps everything matched by a rule into an array. For
example, when rule -> "tick" "tock"
matches the string "ticktock"
, it
creates the "parse tree" ["tick", "tock"]
Most of the time, however, you need to process that data in some way: for example, you may want to filter out whitespace, or transform the results into a custom JavaScript object.
For this purpose, each rule can have a postprocessor: a JavaScript function
that transforms the array and returns a "processed" version of the result.
Postprocessors are wrapped in {% %}
expression -> number "+" number {%
function(data) {
return {
operator: "sum",
leftOperand: data[0],
rightOperand: data[2] // data[1] is "+"
number -> [0-9]:+ {% d => parseInt(d[0].join("")) %}
To compile it with nearley:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx nearleyc -o postprocessors-example.js
and we can execute the resulting parser with nearley-test
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx nearley-test -i '5+10' postprocessors-example.js
Table length: 5
Number of parses: 1
Parse Charts
Chart: 0
0: {expression → ● number "+" number}, from: 0
1: {number → ● number$ebnf$1}, from: 0
2: {number$ebnf$1 → ● /[0-9]/}, from: 0
3: {number$ebnf$1 → ● number$ebnf$1 /[0-9]/}, from: 0
Chart: 1
0: {number$ebnf$1 → /[0-9]/ ● }, from: 0
1: {number$ebnf$1 → number$ebnf$1 ● /[0-9]/}, from: 0
2: {number → number$ebnf$1 ● }, from: 0
3: {expression → number ● "+" number}, from: 0
Chart: 2
0: {expression → number "+" ● number}, from: 0
1: {number → ● number$ebnf$1}, from: 2
2: {number$ebnf$1 → ● /[0-9]/}, from: 2
3: {number$ebnf$1 → ● number$ebnf$1 /[0-9]/}, from: 2
Chart: 3
0: {number$ebnf$1 → /[0-9]/ ● }, from: 2
1: {number$ebnf$1 → number$ebnf$1 ● /[0-9]/}, from: 2
2: {number → number$ebnf$1 ● }, from: 2
3: {expression → number "+" number ● }, from: 0
Chart: 4
0: {number$ebnf$1 → number$ebnf$1 /[0-9]/ ● }, from: 2
1: {number$ebnf$1 → number$ebnf$1 ● /[0-9]/}, from: 2
2: {number → number$ebnf$1 ● }, from: 2
3: {expression → number "+" number ● }, from: 0
The rules above will parse the string 5+10
Parse results:
[ { operator: 'sum', leftOperand: 5, rightOperand: 10 } ]
The postprocessor can be any function with signature
function(data, location, reject)
data: Array
is an array that contains the results of parsing each part of the rule. Note that it is still an array, even if the rule only has one part! You can use the built-in{% id %}
postprocessor to convert a one-item array into the item itselfd => d[0]
.For arrow function users, a convenient pattern is to decompose the
array within the argument of the arrow function:expression -> number "+" number {% ([fst, _, snd]) => fst + snd %} | number "-" number {% ([fst, _, snd]) => fst - snd %} | number "*" number {% ([fst, _, snd]) => fst * snd %} | number "/" number {% ([fst, _, snd]) => fst / snd %}
location: number
is the index (zero-based) at which the rule match starts. You might use this to show the location of an expression in an error message.⚠️Better forget
Note: Many tokenizers provide line, column, and offset information in the Token object. If you are using a tokenizer, then it is better to use that information than the nearley-provided variable, which would only tell you that it saw the nth token rather than the nth character in the string.
reject: Object
is a unique object that you can return to signal that this rule doesn't actually match its input.Reject is used in some edge cases. For example, suppose you want sequences of letters to match variables, except for the keyword
. In this case, your rule may bevariable -> [a-z]:+ {% function(d,l, reject) { const name = d[0].join(''); if (name === 'if') { return reject; } else { return { name }; } } %}
⚠️Reject is slow
Grammars using
are not context-free, and are often much slower to parse.
nearley provides one built-in postprocessor:
returns the first element of thedata
array. This is useful to extract the content of a single-element array:foo -> bar {% id %}
More syntax: tips and tricks
See Comments and Charsets in Nearley.js
EBNF: Repetitions and parenthesis
nearley supports the *
, ?
, and +
operators from
EBNF (opens in a new tab) as shown:
batman -> "na":* "batman" # nananana...nanabatman
You can also use capture groups with parentheses. Its contents can be anything that a rule can have:
banana -> "ba" ("na" {% id %} | "NA" {% id %}):+
See section Macros
Additional JS
For more intricate postprocessors, or any other functionality you may need, you
can include chunks of JavaScript code between production rules by surrounding
it with @{% ... %}
const cowSays = require("./cow.js");
cow -> "moo" {% ([moo]) => cowSays(moo) %}
Note that it doesn't matter where you add these; they all get hoisted to the top of the generated code.
Importing other grammars
See section Importing other grammars
Lexical Analysis with Moo
- See section Lexical Analysis with Moo
Example: A Calculator
See examples/calculator/ (opens in a new tab)
# How to Implement Lexical Analysis in Tools with a separated Lexer
# To use it run:
# nearleyc -o grammar.js && node use-arithmetic.js 'ln (3 + 2*(8/e - sin(pi/5)))'
# It parses valid calculator input
# ln (3 + 2*(8/e - sin(pi/5)))
# is valid input.
const lexer = require('./lex.js');
const bin = (([x, op, y]) => op(x,y));
const Null = (d => null);
const fac = n => (n===0)?1:n*fac(n-1);
const unaryPost = (([p, op]) => op(p));
const funApply = ([fun, arg]) => fun(arg);
@lexer lexer
main => null {% d => "" %} # Allow for empty lines
| AS {% function(d) {return d[0]; } %}
# Addition and subtraction
AS -> AS PLUS MD {% bin %} # Prefer this syntax
| AS MINUS MD {% bin %}
| MD {% id %}
# Multiplication and division
MD -> MD MULT E {% bin %}
| MD DIV E {% bin %}
| E {% id %}
# Exponents
E -> F EXP E {% bin %}
| F {% id %}
# Factorial
F -> P FACTORIAL {% unaryPost %}
| P {% id %}
# Fixed "bug" sinpi
P -> Q
| FLOAT {% id %}
| SIN Q {% funApply %}
| COS Q {% funApply %}
| TAN Q {% funApply %}
| ASIN Q {% funApply %}
| ACOS Q {% funApply %}
| ATAN Q {% funApply %}
| PI {% id %}
| EULER {% id %}
| SQRT Q {% funApply %}
| LN Q {% funApply %}
# Parentheses
Q -> LP AS RP {% ([lp, as, rp]) => as %}
##### LEXICAL ANALYSIS #################################################
FLOAT -> %number
PLUS -> "+" {% function(d) {return ((a,b) => a+b); } %}
MINUS -> "-" {% function(d) {return ((a,b) => a-b); } %}
MULT -> "*" {% function(d) {return ((a,b) => a*b); } %}
DIV -> "/" {% function(d) {return ((a,b) => a/b); } %}
EXP -> "^" {% function(d) {return ((a,b) => Math.pow(a,b)); } %}
FACTORIAL -> "!" {% d => fac %}
LP -> "(" {% Null %}
RP -> ")" {% Null %}
SIN -> "sin" {% d => Math.sin %}
COS -> "cos" {% d => Math.cos %}
TAN -> "tan" {% d => Math.tan %}
ASIN -> "asin" {% d => Math.asin %}
ACOS -> "acos" {% d => Math.acos %}
ATAN -> "atan" {% d => Math.atan %}
PI -> %pi {% d => Math.PI %}
EULER -> %e {% d => Math.E %}
SQRT -> %sqrt {% d => Math.sqrt %}
LN -> %ln {% d => Math.log %}
Lexical Analyzer
See examples/calculator/lex.js (opens in a new tab)
const { makeLexer, moo } = require("moo-ignore");
const Tokens = {
space: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true },
number: { match: /\d+(?:\.\d+)?\b/, value: x => Number(x) },
"+": "+",
"-": "-",
"*": "*",
"/": "/",
"^": "^",
"!": "!",
"(": "(",
")": ")",
id: {
match: /[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*/,
type: moo.keywords({
sin: "sin",
cos: "cos",
tan: "tan",
asin: "asin",
acos: "acos",
atan: "atan",
pi: "pi",
e: "e",
sqrt: "sqrt",
ln: "ln"
let lexer = makeLexer(Tokens, ["space"]);
module.exports = lexer;
See examples/calculator/use-arithmetic.js (opens in a new tab)
const nearley = require("nearley");
const grammar = require("./grammar.js");
let s = process.argv[2] || ` 4 * pi / e`;
try {
const parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar));
} catch (e) {
nearleyc -o grammar.js && node use-arithmetic.js
Performance of NearleyJS
This study by Toby Ho shows a case in which NearleyJS is 200 times slower than a Recursive Descendant Functional parser :disappointed:.
The Earley Algorithm
See the section The Earley Algorithm Explained
Nearley.JS GitHub repo (opens in a new tab) is a JS parser generator using the Early algorithm
fun-lang in Nearley.js (opens in a new tab) GitHub Repo by Toby Ho
- scripts (opens in a new tab) folder: How to run the compiler
- Toby Ho has published a more advanced version of the language as a npm package: play-lang (opens in a new tab)
Parsing in JavaScript: Tools and Libraries (opens in a new tab)