Lexical Analysis with Moo and Moo-ignore

By default, nearley splits the input into a stream of characters. This is called scannerless parsing.


Lexing with Moo

The @lexer directive instructs Nearley to use a lexer you've defined inside a Javascript block in your grammar.

nearley supports and recommends Moo (opens in a new tab), a super-fast lexer. Construct a lexer using moo.compile.

When using a lexer, there are two ways to match tokens:

  • Use %token to match a token with type token.

    line -> words %newline
  • Use "foo" to match a token with text foo.

    This is convenient for matching keywords:

    ifStatement -> "if" condition "then" block

Here is an example of a simple grammar:

const moo = require("moo");
const lexer = moo.compile({
  ws:     /[ \t]+/,
  number: /[0-9]+/,
  word: { match: /[a-z]+/, type: moo.keywords({ times: "x" }) },
  times:  /\*/
# Pass your lexer object using the @lexer option:
@lexer lexer
expr -> multiplication {% id %} | trig {% id %}
# Use %token to match any token of that type instead of "token":
multiplication -> %number %ws %times %ws %number {% ([first, , , , second]) => first * second %}
# Literal strings now match tokens with that text:
trig -> "sin" %ws %number {% ([, , x]) => Math.sin(x) %}


✗ nearleyc nearley-with-moo-example.ne -o nearley-with-moo-example.js 

and execution:

✗ nearley-test -qi '2 * 3' nearley-with-moo-example.js 
[ 6 ]
✗ nearley-test -qi 'sin 3' nearley-with-moo-example.js 
[ 0.1411200080598672 ]

Note how the management of white spaces is cumbersome and leads to errors:

✗ nearley-test -qi 'sin 3 ' nearley-with-moo-example.js
Error: Syntax error at line 1 col 6

Have a look at the Moo documentation (opens in a new tab) to learn more about writing a tokenizer.

You use the parser as usual: call parser.feed(data), and nearley will give you the parsed results in return.

Writing a Custom lexer for Nearley

nearley recommends using a moo (opens in a new tab)-based lexer. However, you can use any lexer that conforms to the following interface:

  • next() returns a token object, which could have fields for line number, etc. Importantly, a token object must have a value attribute.
  • save() returns an info object that describes the current state of the lexer. nearley places no restrictions on this object.
  • reset(chunk, info) sets the internal buffer of the lexer to chunk, and restores its state to a state returned by save().
  • formatError(token) returns a string with an error message describing a parse error at that token (for example, the string might contain the line and column where the error was found).

Note: if you are searching for a lexer that allows indentation-aware grammars (like in Python), you can still use moo. See this example (opens in a new tab) or the moo-indentation-lexer (opens in a new tab) module.

moo: Examples

See repo ULL-ESIT-PL/moo-examples (opens in a new tab) for examples of use of Moo.

A moo lexer object is a Generator

A moo lexer object is a Generator (opens in a new tab), you can use filter() and map() which are built-in to JavaScript.

See moo issue: no-context/moo/issues/156 (opens in a new tab)

const moo = require('moo')
const lex = moo.compile({
  // If one rule is /u then all must be
  ws: { match: /\p{White_Space}+/u, lineBreaks: true },
  word: /\p{XID_Start}\p{XID_Continue}*/u,
  op: moo.fallback,

ID_Start characters are derived from the Unicode General_Category. In set notation:


ID_Continue characters in set notation is:


See https://unicode.org/reports/tr31/ (opens in a new tab).

The expression moo.fallback matches anything else. I believe is similar to:

{ match: /(?:.|\n)/u, lineBreaks: true}  

Observe how we feed the lexer using the reset method. Using the spread operator on the returned generator we get an array with the token objects:

const result = [...lex.reset('while ( a < 3 ) { a += 1; }')];

Something like:

    type: 'word',
    value: 'while',
    text: 'while',
    toString: [Function: tokenToString],
    offset: 0,
    lineBreaks: 0,
    line: 1,
    col: 1
    type: 'ws',
    value: ' ',
    text: ' ',
    toString: [Function: tokenToString],
    offset: 5,
    lineBreaks: 0,
    line: 1,
    col: 6
  ... etc.

We can filter the array:

let filtered = result.filter(t => t.type !== 'ws');
console.log(filtered.map(function (t) { return { type: t.type, value: t.value } }) );

No longer white spaces:

  { type: 'word', value: 'while' }, { type: 'op', value: '(' },
  { type: 'word', value: 'a' }, { type: 'op', value: '<' },
  { type: 'op', value: '3' }, { type: 'op', value: ')' },
  { type: 'op', value: '{' }, { type: 'word', value: 'a' },
  { type: 'op', value: '+=' }, { type: 'op', value: '1;' },
  { type: 'op', value: '}' }

See file ULL-ESIT-PL/moo-examples/skip-spaces.js (opens in a new tab) for the full code.


Not a Solution for Nearley.JS

The trick above does not work to build a lexer with token-skip for Nearley.js. Regrettably, Nearley.JS imposes the restrictions specified in section Writing a Custom lexer for Nearley and requires a Moo compatible lexer. That means we have to wrap the returned array in a lexer complaining with a Moo-like API!


moo-ignore: Skipping Tokens in Moo

Use Moo-ignore (opens in a new tab).

Moo-ignore (🐄) is a wrapper around the moo (opens in a new tab) tokenizer/lexer generator that provides a nearley.js (opens in a new tab) compatible lexer with the capacity to ignore specified tokens.

You can use it in your Nearley.js program and ignore some tokens like white spaces and comments:

const tokens = require("./tokens");
const { makeLexer } = require("../index.js");
let lexer = makeLexer(tokens);
lexer.ignore("ws", "comment");
const getType = ([t]) => t.type;
@lexer lexer
S -> FUN LP name COMMA name COMMA name RP 
        DO END 
name  ->      %identifier {% getType %}
COMMA ->       ","        {% getType %}
LP    ->       "("        {% getType %}
RP    ->       ")"        {% getType %}
END   ->      %end        {% getType %}
DO    ->      %dolua      {% getType %}
FUN   ->      %fun        {% getType %}
SEMICOLON ->  ";"         {% getType %}

Alternatively, you can set to ignore some tokens in the call to makeLexer:

let lexer = makeLexer(tokens, ["ws", "comment"]);

Or you can also combine both ways:

let lexer = makeLexer(tokens, ["ws"]);

For sake of completeness, here is the contents of the file tokens.js we have used in the former code:

const { moo } = require("moo-ignore");
module.exports = {
    ws: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true },
    comment: /#[^\n]*/,
    lp: "(",
    rp: ")",
    comma: ",",
    semicolon: ";",
    identifier: {
        match: /[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*/,
        type: moo.keywords({
            fun: "fun",
            end: "end",
            dolua: "do"

See the tests (opens in a new tab) folder in this distribution for more examples of use. Here is a program that tests the former example:

const nearley = require("nearley");
const grammar = require("./test-grammar.js");
let s = `
fun (id, idtwo, idthree)  
  do   #hello
    do end;
    do end # another comment
try {
  const parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar));
  console.log(parser.results[0]) /* [ 'fun', 'lp', 'identifier', 'comma',
          'identifier', 'comma', 'identifier', 'rp',
          'dolua',      'dolua', 'end', 'semicolon',
          'dolua',      'end', 'end', 'end' */
} catch (e) {

moo-ignore: The eof option. Emitting a token to signal the End Of File

The last argument of makeLexer is an object with configuration options:

let lexer = makeLexer(Tokens, [ tokens, to, ignore ], { options });

Currently, the only option supported in this version is eof.

Remember that lexers generated by moo emit undefined when the end of the input is reached. This option changes this behavior.

If the option { eof : true } is specified, and a token with the name EOF: "termination string" appears in the tokens specification, moo-ignore will concat the "termination string" at the end of the input stream.

const { makeLexer } = require("moo-ignore");
const Tokens = {
  EOF: "__EOF__",
  WHITES: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true },
  /* etc. */
let lexer = makeLexer(Tokens, ["WHITES"], { eof: true });

The generated lexer will emit this EOF token when the end of the input is reached.

Inside your grammar you'll have to explicit the use of the EOF token. Something like this:

const { lexer } = require('./lex.js');
@lexer lexer
program -> expression %EOF {% id %}
# ... other rules