Learning and Playing with Nextra
Nextra is a simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.
The documentation is available at https://nextra.site (opens in a new tab).
Here is a list of examples and snippets to help you learn and play with Nextra.
- Using components
- Making alias for the root of the project in Next.js
- Markdown import
- Bleed
- Callout
- Cards
- Heroicons
- iframe
- mermaid
- References
- Steps component
- Code Extensions
- Expression Evaluation
- File Trees
- Accesing Theme Configuration
- frontmatter
- Accesing the frontmatter in a MDX
- Functional Components Life Cycle and useEffect
- getPagesUnderRoute
- fetch from mdx using getStaticProps
- SWR: Stale While Revalidating
- useConfig
- Authorization
- Authorization
- assets