Steps component

The Steps Component

Example of a Steps Component

The following code:

import { Callout, Steps } from 'nextra/components'
Nextra works like a Next.js plugin, and it accepts a theme config (layout) to
render the page. To start: [^3]
### Install Next.js, Nextra and React [^1]
```sh npm2yarn
npm i react react-dom next nextra
### Install the docs theme [^2]
```sh npm2yarn
npm i nextra-theme-docs
### Create the following Next.js config and theme config under the root directory
```js filename="next.config.js"
const withNextra = require('nextra')({
  theme: 'nextra-theme-blog',
  themeConfig: './theme.config.js'
  // optional: add `staticImage: true` to enable Nextra's auto image import
module.exports = withNextra()
### Create a `theme.config.js` file for the docs theme
```js filename="theme.config.js"
 * @type {import('nextra-theme-docs').DocsThemeConfig}
export default {
  project: {
    link: '' // GitHub link in the navbar
  docsRepositoryBase: '', // base URL for the docs repository
  getNextSeoProps: () => ({ titleTemplate: '%s – Nextra' }),
  navigation: true,
  darkMode: true,
  footer: {
    text: `MIT ${new Date().getFullYear()} © Shu Ding.`
  editLink: {
    text: 'Edit this page on GitHub'
  logo: (
      <span>Next.js Static Site Generator</span>
  head: (
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <meta name="description" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
      <meta name="og:title" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
  primaryHue: {
    dark: 204,
    light: 212
  More configuration options for the docs theme can be found
### You are good to go! Run `next dev` to start


Nextra works like a Next.js plugin, and it accepts a theme config (layout) to render the page. To start: 1

Install Next.js, Nextra and React 2

npm i react react-dom next nextra

Install the docs theme 3

npm i nextra-theme-docs

Create the following Next.js config and theme config under the root directory

const withNextra = require('nextra')({
  theme: 'nextra-theme-blog',
  themeConfig: './theme.config.js'
  // optional: add `staticImage: true` to enable Nextra's auto image import
module.exports = withNextra()

Create a theme.config.js file for the docs theme

 * @type {import('nextra-theme-docs').DocsThemeConfig}
export default {
  project: {
    link: '' // GitHub link in the navbar
  docsRepositoryBase: '', // base URL for the docs repository
  getNextSeoProps: () => ({ titleTemplate: '%s – Nextra' }),
  navigation: true,
  darkMode: true,
  footer: {
    text: `MIT ${new Date().getFullYear()} © Shu Ding.`
  editLink: {
    text: 'Edit this page on GitHub'
  logo: (
      <span>Next.js Static Site Generator</span>
  head: (
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <meta name="description" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
      <meta name="og:title" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
  primaryHue: {
    dark: 204,
    light: 212

More configuration options for the docs theme can be found here.

You are good to go! Run next dev to start


  1. To start.

  2. Install Next.js, Nextra and React.

  3. Install the docs theme.