Using components

Using Components in mdx

You can find the code for the components used as examples in this chapter at file ULL-ESIT-PL-2324/pl-nextra/tree/main/components (opens in a new tab)

Counter Component internal to the mdx file

This is the actual code inserted in the mdx file:

import { useState } from 'react'
{/* Import CSS modules */}
import styles from '../..//components/counters.module.css'
export const Counter = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)} className={styles.counter}>Clicked {count} times</button>

And this the result:

External Counter Component

This is the actual code:

import Counters from '../../components/counters'
<Counters />

We import the component from ../../components/counters and insert it in the mdx file. This is the result:


Hero component example

Migration to MDX 2 (opens in a new tab) comes with improved performance, supporting any JSX runtime and JavaScript expression inside your markdown pages.

The following code:

import Hero from "../../components/hero"

Looks like:


What you'll learn

  • How to build this landing page with Next.js
  • How to create API endpoint and integrate with ConvertKit API
  • How to use React Hook Form and TailwindCSS
Coming Soon!

Youtube component

import Youtube from '../../components/youtube';
<Youtube id="a_2vXCeW21I" title="Arggg" />

Snowfall component example

The following code:

import {Chart} from '../../components/snowfall.jsx'
export const year = 2023
### Last year’s snowfall
In {year}, the snowfall was above average.
It was followed by a warm spring which caused
flood conditions in many of the nearby rivers.
<Chart year={year} color="#fcb32c" />

Is converted into:

Last year’s snowfall

In 2023, the snowfall was above average. It was followed by a warm spring which caused flood conditions in many of the nearby rivers.