Hero Section
The hero section is a large, prominent area at the top of a web page, often the first thing visitors see when they land on a site. It is designed to capture attention, communicate the primary message or purpose of the site, and set the tone for the rest of the page.
On an e-commerce website, the hero section might showcase a featured product, with a headline like Discover the Latest Collection and a Call-to-Action (CTA) button to Shop Now.
Key Characteristics of a Hero Section
Large Visual Element:
- Hero sections often feature a bold image, video, or graphic background that spans the full width of the viewport.
- The visual often aligns with the brand or page content, adding emotional impact or visual appeal.
Main Headline or Tagline:
- Typically, a hero section includes a headline or tagline that summarizes the purpose of the website or page.
- This headline is usually prominent and serves to quickly convey the brand's message or product benefit.
Call-to-Action (CTA):
- A key component of most hero sections is a call-to-action button or link, prompting users to take action, such as "Sign Up," "Learn More," or "Shop Now."
- The CTA is designed to guide users towards a specific goal or conversion.
Supporting Text:
- Hero sections often include a short paragraph or subheadline that offers a bit more detail about the headline or reinforces the message.
Full-Width and Bleed:
- Hero sections are often designed to be full-width (bleeding to the edges of the screen) to create a sense of immersion.
Purpose of a Hero Section
The hero section is used to quickly convey a site’s value proposition or introduce users to its purpose. It helps improve user engagement by making a strong first impression, encouraging users to explore further.