Extended Egg Interpreter

Extending the Egg Interpreter

Planificación 23/24

Planificación del final de la asignatura

Entrega de TFA los días Jueves 2, Viernes 3 (Semana 14), Lunes 6, Martes 7 y Miércoles 8 (Semana 15) de Mayo de 2024 en horario de clase. Los Lunes, Martes y Miércoles usaremos el aula de teoría (acuda con el portátil a clase).

Si se decide por una propuesta alternativa a las propuestas, consulte a los profesores para verificar su validez.

Hacer los laboratorios

Puede también proponer por otra opción que le parezca interesante. En la sección

  • TFA encontrará información sobre algunas opciones.

Interpreting Property Nodes

The first thing to do is to fill the class Property inside the file src/ast.js providing not only the constructor but the evaluate and leftEvaluate methods.

Here is a proposal template:

~/campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg/lib/ast.js branch=private2223
class Property {
  constructor(tree) { ... }
  evaluate(env) {
    if (this.operator.type == "word" && this.operator.name in specialForms) { 
      // Is there any meaning for s.t. like while[<(x,4), ... ]?
    let theObject = this.operator.evaluate(env);
    let propsProcessed = this.args.map((arg) => arg.evaluate(env));
    let propName = checkNegativeIndex(theObject, propsProcessed[0]);
    if (theObject[propName] || propName in theObject) {
      // theObject has a property with name "propName"
      // Write here the code to get the specified property
    } else if (typeof theObject === "function") {
      // theObject is a function, curry the function
    } else {
      throw new TypeError(`Evaluating properties for Object "${JSON.stringify(theObject)}" properties: "${JSON.stringify(propsProcessed)}"`);
  leftEvaluate(env) {
    // Interpret s.t. as a[2,3].b in the expression =(a[2,3].b, 4) 

For the method evaluate we can follow the same structure of the evaluate of Apply nodes. The object is in the operator child and the properties in the args array.

We check in line 13 that the object really has that property. If so, we have to iteratively traverse the properties indexing in the property the previous object to obtain the new object. Take care of negative indices like in x[-1, -2] and cases in which the index returns a function object, like in =(x, 4["toFixed"]), since in that cases the function is itended to be a method and has to be binded to the object.

Negative Indices in arrays

The interpreter has to understand indexation on negative indices. The consequence is that when accessing properties, we must check if that is the case. A solution is to write a helper and use it wherever is needed:

~/campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg/lib/registry.js branch=private2223
function checkNegativeIndex(obj, element) {
  if (Array.isArray(obj) &&  element < 0 ) {
    element += obj.length;
  return element;

Another is to do Monkey Patching in the object class.

Instead of using checkNegativeIndex, we can alternatively add to the object class a method at that is called object.at(property) and returns object[property] but when property is a negative number and object is an array, it returns object[length+property]. Then we can use at wherever is needed. Choose the option that suits you.

Monkey Patching

You can also use Monkey Patching to extend any of the basic classes. For instance, the following code augments the Number class with methods for the numeric operations:

~/campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg/lib/monkey-patch.js branch=private2223
const binOp = {
  "+": (a, b) => a + b,
  "-": (a, b) => a - b,
  "*": (a, b) => a * b,
  "/": (a, b) => a / b,
[ "+", "-", "*", "/",].forEach(op => {
  Number.prototype[op] = function(...args) {
  try {
    let sum = this;
    for(let i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
      sum = binOp[op](sum, args[i]);
    return sum;
  } catch (e) {
     throw new Error(`Error in Number method '${op}'\n`,e)
}) // end of forEach

that combined with currying allows to achieve examples like this one:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) cat examples/curry-method.egg 
do (
  print(4.+[5](3)),    # Same thing 12
  print(4["*"][5](3)), # 4["*"](5, 3) # 60
  print(6["/"][2](3)), # 6["/"](2, 3) # 1
  print(6["-"][2](3))  # 6["/"](2, 3) # 1
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) bin/egg examples/curry-method 

Currying in Egg

When the argument used to index a function object is not an attribute of the function

someFun[arg1, ... ] # and "arg1" is not a property of "someFun"

then we want arg1, ... to be interpreted as arguments for someFun and the expression returns the currying of the function (opens in a new tab) on arg1, ....

For instance:

✗ cat examples/curry-no-method.egg        

In this version of the Egg interpreter + is a function that takes an arbritrary number of numbers:

+:i=1RiR+: \cup_{i=1}^{\infty}\mathbb{R}^i \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}

and returns its sum. The curried

+[4]:i=1RiR+[4]: \cup_{i=1}^{\infty}\mathbb{R}^i \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}

is the function defined by

+[4](x2,,xn)=+(4,x2,,xn)+[4](x_2, \cdots, x_n) = +(4, x_2, \cdots, x_n)

Here is the implementation of the arithmetic operations in this version of the Egg interpreter that take an arbritrary number of numbers:

~/campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg/lib/eggvm.js branch=2223
// arithmetics
].forEach(op => {
  topEnv[op] = new Function('...s', `return s.reduce((a,b) => a ${op} b);`);


➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/eggc.js examples/curry-no-method.egg 
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/evm examples/curry-no-method.json 

However, if the attribute exists we want an ordinary property evaluation, as in this example:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) cat examples/function-length-property.egg
    def(f, fun(x, y, +(x,y))),
    print(f["numParams"]) # JS length property is not supported
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/function-length-property

We have added an attribute numParams to the Egg Function objects that returns the number of parameters in its declaration (opens in a new tab).


Design Consideration

The decision of overloading the meaning of the property access for functions is a risky one but has few consequences over the grammar design.

The decision of overloading the meaning of the property access for functions has consequences during the interpretation phase.

In this case the idea behind the proposal is that

Any potential argument of a function can be viewed as a property of such function whose value is the function curried for that argument

which makes the design proposal consistent with the idea of property

Currying and the dot operator

The dot operator for objects a.b is defined in such a way that a.b and a["b"] are the same thing. This is why the former program examples/curry-no-method.egg can be rewritten this way:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat  examples/curry-no-method-dot.egg 
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/curry-no-method-dot 

Changing the evaluate method

You have to add the code in lines 12-14 to return the curryfied function:

  evaluate(env) {
    if (this.operator.type == "word" && this.operator.name in specialForms) { 
      // ... ?
    let theObject = this.operator.evaluate(env);
    let propsProcessed = this.args.map((arg) => arg.evaluate(env));
    let propName = checkNegativeIndex(theObject, propsProcessed[0]);
    if (theObject[propName] || propName in theObject) {
      // ... theObject has a property with name "propName" 
    } else if (typeof theObject === "function") {
      // theObject is a function, curry the function 
      // using propsProcessed as fixed arguments
    } else 
      throw new TypeError(`...`);

Examples of currying 4["+", 5](3)

➜  eloquentjsegg git:(main) ✗ cat test/examples/curry-multiple-indices.egg
    print(4["+", 5](3)),
    print(4["+", 5, 9](3))

Here is the execution:

  eloquentjsegg git:(main) ✗ bin/egg.js test/examples/curry-multiple-indices.egg

and here is the section of AST corresponding to the sub-expression 4["+", 5](3):

  "type": "apply",
  "operator": {
    "type": "property",
    "operator": { "type": "value",  "value": 4  },
    "args": [
      { "type": "value", "value": "+" },
      { "type": "value", "value": 5   }
  "args": [
    { "type": "value", "value": 3 }

Leftvalues and Extended Assignments

We have to define the leftEvaluate method to support expressions like set(a[0, -1].x, 3) in this program:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/set-simple.egg 
    def(a, [[1,{x:2}],3]),
    set(a[0, -1].x, 3),
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/set-simple

Remember that we defined references in Egg as an array where the first element is the JS reference to an Egg scope, an object, an array, a map, etc. and the following elements describe the position inside the object.

For instance, for the expression set(a[0, -1].x, 3), if leftSide denotes the AST for a[0, -1].x, the call leftSide.leftEvaluate(env) has to return an array with the entry for a in its scope env["a"] and then the computed indices 0, something like a.length-1 and "x". Notice that when the leftEvaluate of a property node is called, necessarily the operator of the leftSide AST has to be a reference (the array a in the example set(a[0, -1].x, 3)).

Recall that leftEvaluate is called from set. To help you with this task, here I leave to you an implementation of set:

specialForms['='] = specialForms['set'] = function(args, env) {
  if (args.length !== 2) {
    throw new SyntaxError(`Bad use of set '${JSON.stringify(args, null, 0)}.substring(0,20)}'`);
  let valueTree = args[args.length-1];
  let value = valueTree.evaluate(env);
  let leftSide = args[0];
  let [s, ...index] = leftSide.leftEvaluate(env);
  let last = index.length-1
  for (let j = 0; j < last; j++) {
    index[j] = checkNegativeIndex(s, index[j]);
    s = s[index[j]];
  index[last] = checkNegativeIndex(s, index[last]);
  s[index[last]] = value;
  return value;

Accesing Egg ASTs and Evaluating them from Egg Programs


Coming back to the evaluate method of the Property nodes, it may be worth considering this lines of code that were in the code of the evaluate method of the Apply nodes:

evaluate(env) {
  if (this.operator.type == "word" && this.operator.name in specialForms) { 
    // Is there any meaning for s.t. like while[<(x,4), ... ]?

Not much comes to my mind that may mean The attribute of a language construct.

The Syntactically Correct, Semantically Absurd Language Design Pattern Again!

This is clearly a case of what we have called The Syntactically Correct, Semantically Absurd Language Design Pattern.

One meaning that may be useful for expressions like while[<(x,4), ... ] is to return an object with two properties:

  • The AST of the corresponding Apply node
  • The current scope/env


With that in mind and adding an eval function, we can write Egg programs like the following:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/specialform-property-4.egg
    def(state, do[
    =(state.scope.b, 9),
    print(Object.keys(state)), # ["ast","scope"]
    print(JSON.stringify(state.ast, null, 2)), # the AST of do(print(+(b,1))))
    eval(state)       # 10 evals the AST in the current scope

That when executed produces:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/evm-crguezl.js examples/specialform-property-4.json
  "type": "apply",
  "operator": {
    "type": "word",
    "name": "do"
  "args": [
      "type": "apply",
      "operator": {
        "type": "word",
        "name": "print"
      "args": [
          "type": "apply",
          "operator": {
            "type": "word",
            "name": "+"
          "args": [
              "type": "word",
              "name": "b"
              "type": "value",
              "value": 1

Here the evm-crguezl.js script points to the solution in the eloquentjsegg repository branch private-2223:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ ls -l bin/
total 24
-rwxr-xr-x  1 casianorodriguezleon  staff   215 Apr 22 13:10 egg
-rwxr-xr-x  1 casianorodriguezleon  staff  1678 Apr 22 12:29 eggc.js
lrwxr-xr-x  1 casianorodriguezleon  staff    85 Apr 22 12:32 evm -> /Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/shared/egg/oop-evm-releases/evm-2122-macos
lrwxr-xr-x  1 casianorodriguezleon  staff    78 Apr 23 10:57 evm-crguezl.js -> /Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg/bin/evm.js

Adding the parser to topEnv

We can add the parser to the virtual machine memory topEnv and in this way produce an AST from an input string that can be evaluated later:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/eval.egg
  def(input, "print(def(b,+(b,1)))"),
  def(ast, parse(input)),
  eval({ast: ast, scope: scope()})

Here we have added the specialForm scope() that with no arguments returns the current scope.

When executed, examples/eval.egg produces this output:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/eval
  "type": "apply",
  "operator": {
    "type": "word",
    "name": "print"
  "args": [
      "type": "apply",
      "operator": {
        "type": "word",
        "name": "def"
      "args": [
          "type": "word",
          "name": "b"
          "type": "apply",
          "operator": {
            "type": "word",
            "name": "+"
          "args": [
              "type": "word",
              "name": "b"
              "type": "value",
              "value": 1

Maps, Hashes or Dictionaries

Hashes are easy to implement. Here you have an example of use:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/map-colon-leftside.egg
  def(x, map(x: 4, y: map(z: 3))),
  print(x),                     # {"x":4,"y":{"z":3}}
  print(x[y:"z"]),              # 3
  =(x.y.z, 50),
  print(x.y)                    # {"z":50}
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/map-colon-leftside


Let us introduce Objects in Egg. They will be pretty similar to JS objects, but the word self will be the equivalent of JS this and will refer to the object. Here is an example:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/object-colon-selector.egg 
do (
  def(x, {
    c: [1, 2, 3], # array literals!
    gc:  fun(
           element(self, "c") # old way works
    sc:  fun(value, # look at the left side of the assignment!
           =(self.c[0], value)
    inc: fun( 
           =(self.c[0], +(self.c[0], 1)) 
  print(x.gc()),    # [1, 2, 3]
  print(x.gc()),    # [4,2,3]
  print(x.gc()),    # [5,2,3]
  print(x.c.pop()), # 3
  print(x.c)        # [5,2]

and here is an execution:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/object-colon-selector 

To add objects to Egg, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Add the corresponding function entry to specialForms["object"]
  2. Create a new environment objEnv for the object having as parent the current environment
  3. Create the object obj as a JS object so that it has all the properties of JS objects
  4. Add self to the object environment objEnv. Has to reference the just created object obj
  5. Traverse the args ASTs (has to be a forest with an even number of trees) taking the key value pair on each step
  6. Evaluate the pairs key, value in the context of the object environment objEnv updating both the object entry and the object environment objEnv entry
  7. Return the just created object obj

Alternative solution: Using the object as Environment

See file lib/eggvm.js in branch private2019 in ULL-ESIT-PL-1819/private-egg/lib/eggvm.js (opens in a new tab) for an alternative solution using only the object as environment:

  const obj = Object.create(env); // {}; // Object.create(null);
  obj["this"] = obj;

However, it produces a cyclic reference. See the execution for this old example (In this version this refers to the object being built. Brackets and curly brackets are synonyms of the parenthesis):

➜  eloquentjsegg git:(private2019) ✗ cat examples/bind.egg 
do (
  def(x, object ( 
    "c", 0,
    "gc", ->{element[this, "c"]},
    "sc", ->{value, =(this, "c", value)},
    "inc", ->{=(this, "c", +(element[this, "c"],1))}
  define(g, element(x, "gc")),
  print(g),    # [Function: bound ]
  print(g()),  # 4
  define(h, element(x, "sc")),
  print(h),    # [Function: bound ]
  print(h(5)), # 5
  print(x.c),  # 5
  print(x.gc()), # 5
  print(g()),  # 5


➜  eloquentjsegg git:(private2019) ✗ bin/egg.js examples/bind.egg
<ref *1> Map {
  this: [Circular *1],
  c: 0,
  gc: [Function: bound ],
  sc: [Function: bound ],
  inc: [Function: bound ]
[Function: bound ]
[Function: bound ]


It will be nice to have support for RegExps in Egg:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) cat examples/regexp-simple.egg 
  def(r, r/(\w+) # word
         \s+     # spaces
         (\d+)   # number 
  def(s, r.test("a 4")),
  def(m, r.exec("a word <a 42> followed by a number")),
  =(m, r.exec("no word followed by a number")),

The x option is an extension introduced by XRegExp (opens in a new tab) (but doesn't exists in regular JS) and allow us to use spaces and comments inside the Regexp.

When we execute the former program we get:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) bin/eggc.js examples/regexp-simple.egg                      
➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) npx evm examples/regexp-simple.json 
["a 42","a","42"]

To add RegExps to Egg we have to modify not only the interpreter, but the lexer and grammar from the lab Adding OOP to the Egg Parser.

Inside the src/tokens.js of your parser you have to add a regexp for the regexps:

const REGEXP = /(?<REGEXP>r\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*)\/(\w*?\b)?)/;

That will match expressions like r/ characters that aren't slashes or escaped characters /.

Question: Why we do not use slash delimiters /regexp/ to denote Egg regexps?

Question: Why /(?<REGEXP>r\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*)\/(\w*?\b)?)/ accepts newlines?

It is better to take advantage of the value transformer to return as value an object describing the regexp:

REGEXP.value = (value) => {
  let [source, flags] = value.split('/').slice(1);
  return {
      type: 'RegExp',
      info: [ source, flags]

and inside the grammar we add a new production for the regexps:

expression -> 
      %STRING  optProperties   {% buildStringValue %}
    | %NUMBER  optProperties   {% buildNumberValue %}
    | %REGEXP  optProperties   {% buildRegexpValue %}
    | ...

Now the section of the AST for the a regexp like:

def(r, r/(\w+) # word
         \s+     # spaces
         (\d+)   # number 

Has to look something similar to this:

      "type": "apply",
      "operator": { "type": "word", "name": "def"  },
      "args": [
        { "type": "word", "name": "r" },
          "type": "value",
          "value": {
            "type": "RegExp",
            "info": [
              "(\\w+) # word\n         \\s+     # spaces\n         (\\d+)   # number \n        ",

To make it work from the interpreter side, we need to modify the j2a entry for value since it has to build a XRegExp (opens in a new tab) object from the info inside the AST:

j2a['value'] = (j) => { 
  let obj = new Value(j);
  if (typeof obj.value === "object") {
    obj.value = new topEnv[obj.value.type](...obj.value.info);
  return obj;

Of course, we have added an entry to the associative memory topEnv when the Egg Virtual Machine starts:

topEnv['null'] = null;
topEnv['true'] = true;
topEnv['false'] = false;
topEnv['undefined'] = undefined;
topEnv['RegExp'] = require('xregexp');
topEnv['fetch'] = require('node-fetch');
topEnv['fs'] = require('fs');

So that topEnv[obj.value.type] is topEnv[RegExp] and that contains the xregexp object.


Here is another example of use:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/regexp.egg 
  def(d, r/
         (?<year>  \d{4} ) -?  # year 
         (?<month> \d{2} ) -?  # month 
         (?<day>   \d{2} )     # day
  print(d.test("1987-07-14")),  # true
  def(m, d.exec("1987-07-14")),  
  print(util.inspect(m, {depth: null})),   /*  [  '1987-07-14',  '1987',  '07',  '14',  index: 0,  input: '1987-07-14',  groups: undefined ] */
  print(m.index), # 0
  def(x, RegExp.exec("2015-01-22", d)), 
  print(util.inspect(x, {depth: null})),
  print(x.year), # 2015
  print(x.month) # 01

and this is a capture of one execution:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/regexp
  index: 0,
  input: '1987-07-14',
  groups: undefined
  index: 0,
  input: '2015-01-22',
  groups: undefined,
  year: '2015',
  month: '01',
  day: '22'


Expand the language with a require expression to allow the use of libraries.

Review the video How to implement the "require" functionality

Here is a link to the Repo corresponding to the video (opens in a new tab).

In this exercise:

  • Memoize libraries so they don't load twice
  • Try to add this functionality without touching the main code using the strategy pattern + registry pattern


Module code:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/require/module.egg 
# module. Exports z
  print("inside module"),
  def(z, map(inc: ->(x, 
                   ) # end fun
           ) # end map
  ), # end of def
  z  # el último valor será exportado

Client program:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ cat examples/require/client.egg
  def(z, require("examples/require/module.egg")),
  def(w, require("examples/require/module.egg"))

Here is an execution:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/require/client
inside module

Notice how inside module appears only once even though the module is required twice

For Loops

Extend the language with one or more types of for loops

Conventional For Loop

Let us add a conventional for loop:

[.../TFA-04-16-2020-03-22-00/davafons(casiano)]$ cat examples/for.egg
➜  davafons-tfa-1819-egg git:(casiano) ✗ cat examples/for.egg
  def(x, 7),
    for(define(x, 1), <(x, 5), ++(x),

We want the following semantic for the for loop:

  1. The for loop has to return the last evaluated expression
  2. Create a new scope for the loop so that x inside the loop refers to a variable that is local to the loop
➜  davafons-tfa-1819-egg git:(casiano) ✗ bin/egg.js examples/for.egg

[ 4 ]
  • Notice that in this version of the Egg interpreter the function print returns an array with the values of the received arguments. Thus, the value returned by the loop is [ 4 ]

  • This version also implements the ++ operator ++(x). Notice that this operator is a case of leftEvaluate since it implies modification of the x variable

For Each Loop

We already have a loop to go through the iterable objects, since the generated JS objects have easy acces to their methods:

➜  eloquentjsegg git:(private2021) ✗ cat examples/for-js.egg 
  def(a, [4,3,2,1]),
      print("Element",i,"of ",ra,"is",x)

When executed gives:

➜  egg-oop-parser-solution git:(master) ✗ bin/egg examples/for-js    
Element 0 of  [4,3,2,1] is 4
Element 1 of  [4,3,2,1] is 3
Element 2 of  [4,3,2,1] is 2
Element 3 of  [4,3,2,1] is 1


Add a test folder and in it, add the test programs like test/test.js (Mocha or Jest, use whichever you prefer).

Continuous Integration

Use GitHub Actions para añadir CI al proyecto

To install Private Packages inside a GitHub Action review these sections:

GitHub Registry

Publish the extended interpreter as a module in the GH Registry in scope @ull-esit-pl-2324.

Since this package contains executables, you should read the section bin (opens in a new tab) from the npm.js documentation on package.json

You have to add an entry like this one:

[~/.../crguezl-egg(master)]$ jq .bin package.json
  "egg": "./bin/egg.js",
  "evm": "./bin/evm.js"


En el curso 2022/2023


Lab egg-oop-parser:


Lab egg-oop-parser y parte de como se extiende el intérprete:


Lab extended Egg Interpreter:

En el curso 2021/2022


Extending Egg: evaluate for the Property Class, Negative Indices, Monkey Patching, Currying, Intro to leftEvaluate


Extending the Egg Interpreter: fromList2AST, buildXXX, set and leftEvaluate


Exam example: parsing JSON and translating Egg ASTs to term notation. Extending the Egg Interpreter: Hashes, Objects


Martes 2022/05/10. TFA. Extending the Egg Interpreter: Objects, RegExps, On the properties of Code


Miércoles 2022/05/11. Extending Egg: For loops. TFA: Async Programming in Egg. Translation from Egg to JS

Building a Repeat Evaluate Print Loop

Vídeo Programando un bucle REPL para el lenguaje Egg (opens in a new tab)



extended-egg Repos
