Fundamentals of Programming
Documentation guide

documentation (opens in a new tab) is a documentation generator. It's used to generate documentation from comments within your code. documentation processes JavaScript comments in the JSDoc format (opens in a new tab).

➜  scapegoat git:(master) npx documentation --version

For the most part, the things you document will be functions or classes of JavaScript libraries. Let's start with a function and how to document its essential parts.

   * Escape special characters in the given string of html
   * @param {string} input any html
   * @returns {string} escaped HTML entities
  function escape(html) {
    if (!html) return '';
    return String(html).replace(specialRe, (match) => reverse[match]);

The comment before the escape function is a JSDoc comment. Note that it begins with /** instead of /*. JSDoc requires this.

Let's break down the earlier JSDoc example:

 * Escape special characters in the given string of html
 * ...

The first line of the comment is typically the description. This section says what the code is or does.

 * @param {string} input any string

On the second line:

  • @param is a tag: This tag indicates that we'll be documenting a function's parameter.
  • {string} is a type. It says that the input to this function is a JavaScript "string." It could also say {number}, {Object}, {Date}, or any other JavaScript built-in type. And if you defined a custom class, like FooClass, you can use it as a type, too! Just say {FooClass}.
  • input any html is the description of the input.

On the line @returns {string} we just have a description of the value escaped HTML entities.

JSDoc lets you specify everything about your code:

  • use @name to say what something is called,
  • @kind for whether it's a function or a class,
  • @param for its parameters
  • documentation automatically populates @name, @kind, and @memberof tags based on its reading of the code

Install the documentation binary with npm (opens in a new tab).

$ npm install -g documentation

documentation then installs a command called documentation. Run it with --help or --help <command> to get help.

➜  scapegoat git:(master) npx documentation help

  # generate markdown docs for index.js and files it references
  documentation build index.js -f md

  # generate html docs for all files in src
  documentation build src/** -f html -o docs

  # document index.js, ignoring any files it requires or imports
  documentation build index.js -f md --shallow

  # build, serve, and live-update html docs for app.js
  documentation serve app.js

  # validate JSDoc syntax in util.js
  documentation lint util.js

  # update the API section of with docs from index.js
  documentation readme index.js --section=API

  # build docs for all values exported by index.js
  documentation build --document-exported index.js

  documentation serve [input..]   generate, update, and display HTML
  documentation build [input..]   build documentation
  documentation lint [input..]    check for common style and uniformity mistakes
  documentation readme [input..]  inject documentation into your

  --version  Muestra número de versión                                [booleano]
  --help     Muestra ayuda                                            [booleano]

  documentation build foo.js -f md >
  documentation readme index.js -s "API Docs" --github

Here is the help for the build command:

$ documentation --help build

  --version                  Show version number                       [boolean]
  --help                     Show help                                 [boolean]
  --theme, -t                specify a theme: this must be a valid theme module
  --project-name             project name. by default, inferred from
  --project-version          project version. by default, inferred from
  --project-description      project description. by default, inferred from
  --project-homepage         project homepage. by default, inferred from
  --favicon                  favicon used in html
  --watch, -w                watch input files and rebuild documentation when
                             they change                               [boolean]
  --markdown-toc             include a table of contents in markdown output
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --markdown-toc-max-depth   specifies the max depth of the table of contents in markdown output
                                                           [number] [default: 6]
  --shallow                  shallow mode turns off dependency resolution, only
                             processing the specified files (or the main script
                             specified in package.json)
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --config, -c               configuration file. an array defining explicit sort
                             order                                      [string]
  --no-package, --np         dont find and use package.json for project-
                             configuration option defaults
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --external                 a string / glob match pattern that defines which
                             external modules will be whitelisted and included
                             in the generated documentation.     [default: null]
  --require-extension, --re  additional extensions to include in require() and
                             import's search algorithm.For instance, adding .es5
                             would allow require("adder") to find "adder.es5"
  --parse-extension, --pe    additional extensions to parse as source code.
  --private, -p              generate documentation tagged as private
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --access, -a               Include only comments with a given access level,
                             out of private, protected, public, undefined. By
                             default, public, protected, and undefined access
                             levels are included
                [array] [choices: "public", "private", "protected", "undefined"]
  --github, -g               infer links to github in documentation    [boolean]
  --infer-private            Infer private access based on the name. This is a
                             regular expression that is used to match the name
  --document-exported        Generate documentation for all exported bindings
                             and members even if there is no JSDoc for them
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --sort-order               The order to sort the documentation
                                [choices: "source", "alpha"] [default: "source"]
  --output, -o               output location. omit for stdout, otherwise is a
                             filename for single-file outputs and a directory
                             name for multi-file outputs like html
                                                             [default: "stdout"]
  --format, -f       [choices: "json", "md", "remark", "html"] [default: "json"]