Wednesday 2024/03/20

Wednesday 2024/03/20

Partial Exam delayed

Examen parcial el Lunes 01/04/2024, Semana 10 de 15. 8:30-10:30. Aula de clase

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Clase del 20/03/2024. Your workflow when adding a new feature to a translator


Clase del 19/03/2024. Adding loops to the calculator language. Building a lexer generator


Problems publishing a private module to the GitHub Package Registry

This video from the class 2023/03/14 from 18:03 to to 35:00 may help to overcome the gotchas when publishing a private npm module in the github package registry.

Lab "while" 2024

Clase del 13/03/2024. Building the AST for 'ID apply' in Egg. Adding loops to the calculator language

Lab egg-parser 2024

Clase del 12/03/2024. Lexical Analysis of Egg with moo-ignore. Egg grammar in Nearley.js

Clase del 11/03/2024. Retrasamos el examen parcial al 01/04/2024. El lenguaje Egg, ASTs para Egg, El generador de analizadores sintácticos Nearley.js, El generador de analizadores léxicos Moo. Moo-ignore

2023 videos for lab egg-parser

  • Vídeo 2023/03/29: ASTs for Egg. Lexical Analysis with moo-ignore. Introduction to Nearley.js
  • Vídeo 2023/04/10: Parsing Egg. More on Nearley.js
  • Vídeo 2023/04/11: Building the Egg ASTs. White management in moo. The Earley algorithm